The Voice of the Palestinian Christian American Community

Our vision is peace with justice in the Holy Land, with all of its people enjoying equality and dignity.

PCAP Updates

  • PCAP's Christmas 2024 Newsletter

    A Year of Sorrow; Never Giving Up Hope

  • Webinar: Christian Zionism and the Israel Lobby A Conversation with Ilan Pappé

  • Personal Declaration of Dismay with US Policy

    Drafted by PCAP board members

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Our mission is to provide a clear Palestinian American Christian voice and presence in the U.S.

We are a non-sectarian, ecumenical alliance of Palestinian American Christians seeking to provide a clear voice and presence in faith-based communities in the United States. Our inspiration stems from the Kairos Palestine document and from all faith-based communities working for peace through justice in Palestine and Israel. We believe that achieving peace requires ensuring justice and human rights for Palestinians. American churches, church bodies, and church-based organizations can and ought to play a leading role in advocating for a just peace among all people in the region.